Sean Ward is a Movie Director

It’s after Midnight as I’m writing this. I’m blogging a lot more these days because there’s so much in my head, I just want to get it all out. One thought I’ve been having lately is about how I’ve spent many years trying to make a go at a bunch of different things from art to comics to music to TV. And it was all supposed to culminate in my movie.

The Movie is the new task, the new obsession

And now that I’m dedicated to Making my Movies, I don’t even want to think about trying to make a comic book or release an album. I want to write the next screenplay, get it storyboarded, get it to my team, and get working on the next one. It’s True what they say about how you have to choose one thing and be the master of it. In my case, the one thing I was mastering was to live a life that will inspire great movies. Or at least Movies that are fun to make… :)

The other reason I’m doing so much writing is because I remember how much I got out of Spike Lee’s Production Journals. After he completed a film he would Publish his production journals. I had the ones for Do The Right Thing and Malcolm X. They were so inspiring to me for how they demystified the process of making movies and make me feel like it was possible. I did my final 12th grade film arts class project on Spike Lee, for that matter.

So I flatter myself to think that one day when my movie is complete, my writings during the process of making the movie will inspire some young filmmaker somewhere and that person will go make their movie, and publish their journal, and on it goes. . . . . . .


New Instagram Strategy, New me.


How to Lose a Fortune Putting other People’s dreams before your own