How it All Fits Together

Sean Ward Directing

I’m basically finished with rushing to make videos for the sake of having a video out. There are so many more steps I need to take to make my dreams of directing Feature Films come true that I literally don’t have time to make anything that doesn’t directly help get my first feature film made.

With that in mind, here are The Videos we are working on right now for the Sean Ward Show on YouTube:

  • Wandavision VS Harry Potter

  • A fight/stunt video about us defending the studio from from a rival crew

  • Spider-Man VS Many-Spiders-Man

  • Spider-Verse Music Video

Here’s how it all fits into a bigger whole:

it’s a plan for 3 Movies. The first is a 40-minute animated film about Zack Snyder and the making of Justice League & Suicide Squad. That’s to get the experience writing and directing something at that length and level of detail to take into my first live action Feature Film - That’s going to be the one about Me & My Friends, and My YouTube channel - Making a video and the madcap insanity it turns into. And that’s to get the experience directing a feature that I can take to the real Project that’s the point of all of this - a movie about Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and the early days of Marvel Comics, but Like it’s GoodFellas.

After that, I’ll have proven myself, cemented my auteur status, and I’ll be Part of the discussion for jobs like directing Ant Man 4 or Spider-Man 7.

All of the videos in my production pipeline for The Sean Ward Show on youTube are there to help develop or learn something for the feature film. Wanda VS Harry is about getting our CGI up to snuff. The stunt video is about getting the experience and building the rapport with the Action Design team who’s helping us on the movie. Spider-Man VS Many-Spiders-Man is about introducing a series of original characters who we have big plans for later.

it’s all very exciting and I can’t wait to have more to show you!

In the meantime, follow the progress of my animated film “The Snyder Cut: The Movie” every week on my live stream.


what I learned from getting Fired as a NXNE Blogger


Sean Ward drawing time lapse