Hard Rock Cafe Dundas Square
Watch the official recap video:
Video by P Jursa:
Star Wars Day Toronto 2017 had a lot of hype. Rogue One was the movie we were all looking forward to. This was the year we gave away a trip to Las Vegas as a grand prize because Nissan was doing a special edition Nissan Rogue as a movie tie-in. Also Cakes Cove did a fun run of Star Wars cookies as a giveaway for fans.
This was also the year we realized what an institution Star Wars Day Toronto had become with many people driving from other provinces and nearby states to attend. One couple even got married at City Hall in Philadelphia in the morning, and drove all day to make Star Wars Day Toronto their impromptu wedding reception.
With your host Star Wars Day Toronto founder Sean Ward, co-founder Alice Quinn, Ajay Fry as Master of Ceremonies, and costume judges Rogue Benjamin, Purelight Cosplay, and Aaron Beam from the 501st Canadian Garrison.
And once again we didn’t even get our own photographer! We counted on the community to document the night. Thank you to those who did! And ff you have photos from any past Star Wars Day event, please share them with us!